Thursday, December 17, 2009

Just a few questions

How long would a dog live if 6,787,257,817 flees were living on it?
Every second: 4.2 flees are born.
Every second: 1.8 flees die.

Would your garden survive if 6,787,257,817 ants were living in it?
Every second: 4.2 ants are born.
Every second: 1.8 ants die.

How would you feel if 6,787,257,817 mice were living in your house?
Every second: 4.2 mice are born.
Every second: 1.8 mice die.

What would you do if you find out that in your bed are living 6,787,257,817 bedbugs?
Every second: 4.2 bedbugs are born.
Every second: 1.8 bedbugs die.

Would you feel o.k. with 6,787,257,817 snakes living under your house?
Every second: 4.2 snakes are born.
Every second: 1.8 snakes die.

How about 6,787,257,817 cockroaches living in your kitchen?
Every second: 4.2 cockroaches are born.
Every second: 1.8 cockroaches die.

Or 6,787,257,817 wild dogs living in your neighborhood?
Every second: 4.2 dogs are born.
Every second: 1.8 dogs die.

How long would any environment would be able to survive if 6,787,257,817 members of one specific species predominates above all the other species.?
Every second: 4.2 are born.
Every second: 1.8 die.

How can we solve the problems caused due to the overpopulation of a specific specie on a specific environment?
This specific specie will modify the environment to it's very own needs, ignoring the needs of any other species who also live in such environment but with slightly different needs. It will claim ownership over the territory and its resources, it will consume everything that it finds useful, with out any restrains, as a result it will reproduce faster than other species and it will need more territory and it will keep expanding and modifying the environment to meet its needs and so on and so forth.

It is about Us:
How long will the planet you live in will survive when 6,787,257,817 (real numbers) member of the human specie (you, me, us) predominates above all other species? Right now... end of year 2009: 6,787,257,817 registered humans... are living in planet earth.
Every second: 4.2 humans are born.
Every second: 1.8 humans die.

At which point did we thought we were immune to all the natural laws that apply to all living creatures?
How and when did we made nature our enemy? When and how did we broke the food chain?
When did we stopped being food and started eating every body and everything else?
The planet is not growing in size and it is shrinking in resources, because we, humans... are taking and taking and taking... and taking.

When and how did we got the idea and rationalized, that we humans are above all living creatures and that they were put here for our very own personal use? Who convinced us of that?
We are more advanced, evolved, smart, intelligent, call it what ever you want... than 15,000 years ago, but not better, we never got better, in terms of understanding about our place here, on planet hearth, we are very much the same, we know common sense just by the word but not by its application. It seams that we never got the point, we lost the path, we made ourselves precious, The concept we have of ourselves is completely delusional.

How are we going to solve the human problem. In terms of; humans are the problem?
When not wars, famines, disses, natural disasters, extreme poverty or genocides manage to bring balance to our environment... How are WE ALL living in this planet going to survive? How is the planet going to survive?
It is obvious... over studied, over experimented, over explained:
When a specific environment is dominated by a specific living form, everything else dies, including the dominant living form and its environment.

Are we at the point of no return? or should we say... had we hit the wall?
Do we still have time to understand that we took the wrong path?
Can we go back or go in a different direction?
Are we doomed? That is the way I understand it when visualizing the big picture, from outside, let's say...from the moon...

Now... to look at the human problem close, to see it from inside... to look at it from a human point of view, when I am the problem... well... it is not easy.
The dynamics among the dominating specie... humans... is way to complex to even try to talk about it. The way humans deal with other humans it is beyond most of us understanding.
We should know that something is wrong in the way we rationalize our selves when we see, as normal human behavior: Putting food behind locked doors. Accumulating more than we can use, eat or spend. Owning other humans, land, rivers, even genes. Accepting that males are superior to females in every sense.
Dividing human in races and believing that some are better than others.

Seeing, accepting as normal that now days 1% of the world population owns 94% of the world wealth/resources... is simply sick. Sick because if we see it as normal, is because that 94% will do what ever it takes to be part of that 1%... the other 5% is almost there, so they do not have to do much but to make sure that 94% stays where it is... a big mass of wishing, wining, blind, confuse humans.
What we don't get is that for all humans to be part of that 1% we would need a couple more dozen planets like this.

Think about this:
We invented God!!! We created our creator. Are we mad or what?!?!?!
We need to understand that we are part of everything else... Pain is unavoidable the same as suffering... but when that becomes the everyday meal for the majority of living creatures in this planet... and humans are the cause for most of the pain...
Well... isn't it obvious? We need to change the way we see, conceive, rationalize, think, realize, educate, reproduce ourselves. We need to really understand that being part of that 1% of privileged humans is wrong but having the desire to be part of that 1% .... well THAT is the real problem.
We probably have some time left. Or probably not. This planet is so pleasant to live on... Still.
My heart hurts.